Innovative, new device allows conception to naturally occur inside the body.
What is INVOCELL® (Mini IVF)?
Fertility Centers of Illinois is proud to be the only private practice in Chicagoland to offer a low-cost, affordable Mini IVF cycle with INVOCELL® Intravaginal Culture System. INVOCELL® offers many benefits while achieving the equivalent safety and success of traditional IVF.
This innovative, new technology is an alternative to conventional IVF that offers similar success rates and clinical outcomes. This option allows patients a more advanced fertility treatment with a more natural process for conception: In-Vivo Fertilization.
Conception Inside the Body
Our Mini IVF with INVOCELL® program allows the conception to happen within the body – not in a lab. We take the best of both IVF and IUI treatments and open options for many people who previously had run out of options, or were not able to pursue fertility treatment for religious or tradition reasons.
The Mini IVF Procedure
Following mild stimulation, eggs are retrieved under conscious sedation. During this time, the sperm is being prepared.
The egg(s) are combined with the sperm in culture media and placed in a small medical grade plastic device (the INVOCELL®). Once locked, the device is placed with a retention barrier to allow a more natural in vivo (inside the body) fertilization and embryo development to occur.
After vaginal incubation, the INVOCELL® is removed and the developing embryos are chosen for immediate transfer into the uterus allowing implantation and pregnancy to occur.

Mini IVF with INVOCELL®: The Newest Technology
Clinical Study Results
Live birth outcomes of the INVOCELL® Intravaginal Culture are similar to conventional IVF. Clinical pregnancy rate of 32.4%, multiple pregnancy rate of 15.1%, birth rate of 23.8%, and multiple birth rate of 17.8% have been achieved with INVOCELL®. This study reported that 450 INVO cycles were performed resulting in 132 born babies.
INVOCELL® clinical trial results that support FDA approval are provided below:
Cycles | 89 | 102 |
Embryo Transfer (ET) | 41 (93% of cycles) | 57 (94% of cycles) |
Live Births Total | 78 (25% of transfers) | 29 (26% of transfers) |
Babies Born | 98 | 34 |
Pursue Mini IVF with INVOCELL®
Fertility Centers of Illinois is currently offering the Mini IVF cycle with INVOCELL® for half the cost of IVF. This cost does not include the cost of medications nor the cost of elective freezing of surplus embryos. Additionally, we have partnered with Ferring Pharmaceuticals for discounts on select Ferring products.
To pursue Mini IVF with INVOCELL®, patients must meet certain requirements to maximize INVOCELL’s® benefits. Patients should be between 21 and 37 with a BMI between 18 and 30. Additionally, male factor infertility should not be included. Other requirements can be discussed with the physician during the consultation. If you don’t feel you meet these requirements, please request a consultation for one of our many other treatment options!
If you are interested in pursuing this treatment option, please contact us by calling our New Patient Services Team at 877-324-4483.