Genetic Testing
Advances in fertility technology can increase the chances of conception of a genetically healthy baby through Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT).
What is Preimplantation
Genetic Testing?
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) allows for screening an embryo for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Each embryo contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. PGT testing enhances the chance of a live birth by selecting embryos with the highest rating for embryo transfer. The remaining screened embryos are then frozen for future use.
PGT Steps



Best embryo is
What is the PGT process?
1. A cell biopsy from the tissue that will become the placenta is taken from an embryo for testing.
2. The test sample is placed in a tube and shipped to a genetic testing lab for analysis. Embryos remain at the Fertility Centers of Illinois IVF center.
3. Testing results are sent within 10-14 days to your physician in a genetic report. Your physician will call to discuss the results and next steps.
4. The embryo(s) with the highest genetic quality are identified and one is transferred to the uterus. The transfer will occur in the following cycle. Patients receive medications to optimize the uterine lining and receptivity
Who Should Do Genetic Testing?
While genetic abnormalities can and do happen at any age, the prevalence increases as a woman approaches age 38 and beyond.
In addition to women with advanced maternal age, other candidates for PGT include those who have experienced two or more miscarriages with an unknown cause, chromosomal abnormalities in a previous pregnancy, two or more assisted reproductive cycles without a pregnancy, or a male infertility diagnosis indicating a low sperm concentration.

Types of Preimplantation
Genetic Testing
- PGT-A Testing can identify numerical chromosomal abnormalities, which allows us to choose the healthiest embryo for transfer. This results in a significant increase in pregnancy rates and a decrease in miscarriage.
All PGT-A testing also uses the most advanced technology available, known as Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), which can detect chromosomal issues such as aneuploidies, mosaicism, and segmental alterations. NGS offers a high accuracy rate of 99%. Testing can be completed quickly, allowing for embryos to be transferred in fresh or frozen cycles. This option is best for couples when the women’s age is greater than 38. - PGT-SR Testing is performed to identify structural rearrangements in embryos. The rearrangement, known as translocation, can lead to pregnancy loss.
- PGT-M Testing, previously known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), can detect specific genetic defects within an embryo. For couples who have a family history of genetic disease or are known carriers of a genetic disease, PGT-M testing allows for embryos to be screened down to the level of genetic DNA. This level of testing can identify specific gene abnormalities such as Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, or Spinal Muscular Atrophy.