Finding Hope: Jess’s Story of Resilience and Community

Jess’s story is one of love, devotion, and unwavering hope. It began when she met her husband, Mike, through a mutual friend in downtown Chicago. For Jess, it was love at first sight. Their connection grew effortlessly over time, and in 2015, they exchanged vows and began their life together. After their wedding, they embraced the joys of adventure—traveling, creating memories, and imagining the future. In 2017, they had settled into their first home, ready to turn their dreams of children and a bustling household into reality.
The Journey to Parenthood
What Jess thought would be a natural progression into parenthood turned out to be a complex and emotional path. When trying to conceive on their own, she experienced a miscarriage that left her questioning the next steps.
Jess’s doctor referred her to two specialists, and after some research, Jess chose Dr. Meike Uhler at Fertility Centers of Illinois. From the very first meeting, Jess valued Dr. Uhler’s compassionate and patient-centered approach. “She heard me,” Jess recalled. “She explained all the options but never made me feel pressured to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with.”
Jess wanted personalized care, not a one-size-fits-all treatment plan. The team at FCI provided not only medical expertise but also emotional support and a sense of community that became a cornerstone of her journey. Jess appreciated the intimate setting of the Warrenville office, where she received one-on-one attention from the nurses who made her feel at home. Over time, these nurses became like family, sharing in her ups and downs.
Treatment and Losses
Fertility testing indicated that Jess had diminished ovarian reserve. To ensure the best path forward, Dr. Uhler recommended genetic testing to identify any potential hereditary conditions that might impact their chances of a successful pregnancy. The results revealed that while Jess was a carrier of two genetic conditions, they did not share any overlapping risks with her partner. With this reassurance, they moved forward with their first intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycle, supported by the ovulation-inducing medication Clomid.
The first IUI didn’t result in pregnancy, which came as a little bit of a shock, but Jess remained hopeful. “I didn’t feel defeated. I thought, ‘It’s just one time.” By their second IUI, Jess was thrilled to learn she was pregnant. Her first child, Charlie, was born in 2020 — a moment of pure joy after a challenging journey.
Trying for Baby Number Two
When Charlie was nearing his first birthday, Jess and Mike decided to try for another baby and reached out to Dr. Uhler to come up with a plan. To their surprise, Jess became pregnant naturally following the consultation, but the joy was short-lived as the pregnancy ended in loss.
Jess and Mike returned to treatment with Dr. Uhler, undergoing three IUIs and a medicated cycle, but each attempt ended in disappointment. Feeling frustrated and drained, the couple decided to take a break from treatment.
During that pause, Jess experienced another natural pregnancy, sparking hope that quickly turned to heartbreak when the pregnancy didn’t progress. “When you see those two lines, there’s always hope,” Jess shared. “And then, to lose it… it was devastating.”
Despite the repeated losses, Jess found comfort in the unwavering support from FCI. “Even when I said I was taking a break and got pregnant, they still treated me as their patient. They monitored me and made sure I was okay. That kind of care means so much when you’re going through loss.”
After the loss, Jess and Mike faced a crossroads. Though Jess was hesitant about pursuing in vitro fertilization (IVF), the ability to do genetic testing on embryos to identify any chromosomal abnormalities and assess the likelihood of viability gave them renewed hope.
Turning to IVF
Determined to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy, they decided to move forward with IVF, taking a leap of faith into the next chapter of their journey. However, their IVF journey was fraught with new obstacles. Mike tested positive for COVID-19 ahead of their first egg retrieval and the cycle had to be canceled to ensure a safe and healthy procedure. “It felt like such a huge loss. We had waited so long, and then to have it delayed again… it was tough.”
Jess had to wait until January of the next year to proceed with her egg retrieval, and during that time she became pregnant naturally once again. The positive test lines were strong this time, filling her and Mike with cautious optimism. The team at FCI immediately brought her in for monitoring, conducting two or three blood draws and placing her on supportive medications to bolster the pregnancy. But at her third ultrasound, their hopes were shattered—the scan revealed no heartbeat. It was another devastating loss in Jess’s journey, a heartbreaking reminder of how fragile the process could be.
Jess and Mike decided to take a few months off to regroup and focus on healing before proceeding with the egg retrieval. When they felt ready to try again in the spring, Jess made the bold decision to undergo two back-to-back retrievals, rather than doing a single retrieval, creating embryos, and then transferring embryos. She believed having more embryos to choose from would increase their chances of success and her strategy paid off. After completing the retrievals, Jess had viable embryos ready for transfer, bringing renewed hope to their journey.
A Joyful Outcome
Their first embryo transfer was a success, and Jess became pregnant with her second child. Jess was overjoyed, feeling incredibly fortunate that her determination, combined with the unwavering care of her care team, had led to this long-awaited and extraordinary result. “After so much loss and uncertainty, the pregnancy was a bittersweet relief. “The team at FCI was with me every step of the way, she shared.”

Their daughter was born in 2024 and given a name chosen with care: Maeve Valerie. “Maeve is a traditional Irish name, and Valerie means strong and healthy. She was our strongest embryo,” Jess explained.
Maeve is everything Jess dreamed of—happy, giggly, and full of personality. Jess treasures every moment, even the 4 a.m. cuddles. “I worked so hard for this. Even when I’m tired, I feel so grateful.”
Support and Community
Throughout her journey, Jess found strength in unexpected places. She leaned on Mike, who was her rock through every injection, procedure, and tear-filled moment. “He always validated my feelings,” she said, recalling how he stood by her side during every injection and supported her through moments of despair.
Social media also became a surprising source of comfort. After sharing parts of her journey on Instagram, Jess was overwhelmed by messages from women facing similar struggles. One friendship, in particular, stood out—a close connection with a friend who was also navigating infertility and treatment at the same time. Reflecting on their bond, Jess shared, “We were constantly checking on each other! Our IVF babies are close in age, so now we get to check in about our babies too!” These connections fostered a sense of community, offering encouragement, understanding, and the reassurance of shared experiences.
The nursing staff at FCI’s Warrenville office also played a significant role. “I saw those nurses more than I saw my family,” Jess laughed. Their kindness and familiarity made the process feel less clinical and more personal, helping Jess stay positive even on the hardest days.
Reflections and Wisdom
Looking back, Jess sees herself as stronger than she ever imagined. Her journey taught her the value of patience, self-compassion, and the importance of mental health. Yoga, therapy, and time with her family all played key roles in maintaining her emotional well-being.
Her advice to others on similar journeys is simple but profound: “You’re not alone. It’s okay to take a break, cry, or celebrate small victories. Build a community if you can—it makes a world of difference.”
A Family Complete

Today, Jess’s family is complete with Charlie, Maeve, and Mike by her side. Jess looks back on her journey with gratitude as she lives the moments she once only dreamed about. Her story, filled with perseverance, resilience, and dedication, is an inspiration to anyone navigating the complexities of infertility and loss.