A great support system goes a long way
Why do you want to share your story?
To help others experience the gift of parenthood and to let people know there is help out there to grow their family.
What led you to Fertility Centers of Illinois?
After three years of trying, I quit a job I loved for one that was closer to where I lived. In my exit interview, my boss shared her story and success with FCI. Then, Dr. Rodgers presented us with a plan on day one and it was just so calming and reassuring.
How would you describe your experience with your physician?
Positive and respectful. Dr. Rodgers showed a lot of empathy but was also very honest about our success and what it would take to be successful.
What helped you get through treatment?
The support of the FCI staff and the support of my co-workers (I ended up going back to the job I loved).
Do you have any words of hope for others?
Tell your loved ones how you feel. Ask for their support. Do not shut people out. This can be a very lonely journey. Seek out a community to help support you (and/or your partner).
Tell us about your little miracle!
Mak is 22 months old! He’s a perfect blue-eyed, blonde-haired boy. He’s extremely funny and has given me the most joy I’ve ever experienced.