You don’t expect to struggle with infertility but you can get through it.
Why do you want to share your story?
I want to share our story to bring hope and give people a sense of belonging.
How would you describe your experience with your physician?
Dr. Allison Rodgers is a wonderful person and a brilliant physician. I felt safe, comfortable and positive working with her.
What helped you get through treatment?
Do you have any words of wisdom for others?
Sometimes something that looks so easy could be very difficult. I always assumed that raising child would be difficult, but not making one. I was wrong. I remember everyone has their own share of struggles, and you will get through yours.
Tell us about your little miracle!
My little boy Arihant is now 5 years old. He was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, so he doesn’t have it easy, but he is a champion in hugs. He has a sweet smile, charms people with his smile, loves jumping, running and hugs.