LGBTQIA+ Family Counseling
Fertility treatment isn’t easy — physically or emotionally. So we make available to all of our patients the services of two full-time psychologists who are experts in fertility issues. They stand ready to help support you at any point in your journey.
Here to Help
We have a tremendous amount of experience helping guide patients through options such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), egg and sperm donation, gestational carriers (surrogacy).
We know that taking care of your emotional wellbeing when undergoing these treatments is just as important as the physical aspects. We have two full-time behavioral health specialists who are experts in fertility issues available to all of our patients at any point in your journey.
Simply call 877-324-4483 to schedule a face-to-face or phone appointment.
When to Make an Appointment
You can make an appointment at any time, whether you plan to see the psychologists on a regular basis or just for one meeting. Some decisions or events are especially helpful to discuss with someone, such as:
- When you’re at a “crossroads” about making a treatment decision
- After a failed cycle or a miscarriage
- When considering whether to use donated eggs or sperm
- When trying to decide whether to use a surrogate
- When deciding whether to end treatment
- When considering adoption
- When required for using third-party services
Fertility Counseling
Any patient using donor eggs, sperm, or a gestational carrier will have a meeting with one of our staff counselors to meet the standards set with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. This meeting will range from exploring your emotions about the treatment ahead to sharing ideas as you begin to envision how you may one day talk to your child about his or her origins.
Patient Stories