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Understanding unexplained infertility

One in eight people will have trouble getting pregnant. To understand the reason for infertility, a doctor will order a series of tests for the couple and determine the best path forward. Sometimes during a fertility workup, there is no identifiable cause for infertility and these couples are given an unexplained infertility diagnosis. Not having a clear answer for why you can’t conceive can be frustrating, but the good news is that it doesn’t mean a fertility specialist can’t help grow your family.

Join Dr. Allison Rodgers as she explains what it means if you are diagnosed with unexplained infertility and how seeing a fertility specialist can help you on your fertility journey.

Questions about unexplained infertility

  • What is unexplained infertility?
  • What could be causing/the reason for unexplained infertility?
  • How common is unexplained infertility?
  • Does unexplained infertility affect certain age groups more than others?
  • What tests are performed to diagnose unexplained infertility?
  • Should couples who are diagnosed with unexplained infertility continue trying on their own or seek treatment?
  • What are the treatment options for unexplained infertility?
  • How do you determine which treatment option is best for an individual or couple with unexplained infertility?
  • What are your chances of getting pregnant if you have unexplained infertility?
  • Is there anything someone diagnosed with unexplained infertility can do to improve their chances of conceiving?
  • Does insurance cover treatment for an unexplained infertility diagnosis?
  • Unexplained infertility can be a frustrating diagnosis. What advice do you give to those who are diagnosed with unexplained infertility?

The Time to Talk Fertility podcast releases new episodes monthly and is available on Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadioStitcherTune InGoogle Play and Spotify.

Medical contribution by Allison K. Rodgers, M.D.

Dr. Rodgers’ approach to care has been influenced by her own infertility and pregnancy loss. She has published many original research articles in top medical journals. She also writes for her blog, Destination: Parenthood, on many fertility related subjects.

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